Super Sonic & Super Shadow: Sonic and Shadow transformed into Super Sonic and Super Shadow. Shadow uses Chaos Spear (4 times), Homing Attack, a barrage of hand-to-hand combat and one more Chaos Spear on the enemy. Spin Attack & Chaos Attack: Sonic uses Spin Dash, Spin Jump, Homing Attack (3 times) and Spin Dash again on the enemy. Super Shadow launched a powered up Chaos Spear. Super Sonic launched himself through the enemy in both the front and the back. Info: Both hedgehogs transform into their super forms with the seven Chaos Emeralds. Shadow used Spin Dash in front and used hand-to-hand behind the enemy. Info: Sonic jumped, used Stomp, and used hand-to-hand combat on the enemy. Shadow powered up with Chaos Boost and attacked with hand-to-hand combat. Info: Sonic used Sonic Boost about 4 times (first by the front, second by the back, third by the front, and finally he jumped and used it again by the back). Info: Sonic used Homing attack three times on the enemy.

Shadow uses his Homing Attack three times.Ī + Left Pad: Homing Attack & Chaos Spear

Info: Sonic used Spin Attack toward the enemy and uses it again behind the enemy. Pair Unit: Sonic the Hedgehog & Shadow the Hedgehog